Bekki Milner
I love words, and I love books.
I have a degree in Creative Writing and English Literature, and I currently edit for Veneficia Publications and Ginger Fyre Press.
I am also creator and editor of Witch Magazine, coming in to our third year with over 25 issues in digital and print formats. I host Writer Residencies through Witch, offering feedback and improvement on writers' tone, style and voice, and have many members going on to do marvellous things with their words as a result!
My specialisms are in Horror Fiction and Occult subjects – but I can work outside of these genres quite comfortably, they just happen to be my favourites!

Julia Krzyzanowska
Reading is my hobby; language is my passion, and after attaining two degrees in English, I spent a year as an academic proofreader, checking a broad range of academic content written by students and researchers from all over the world. Having already worked on several books, both fiction and nonfiction, this gave me an interesting insight into how varied the world of editing can be. I love literature dearly, and I am at my happiest when editing beautifully crafted stories.
Toni Glitz
I love to read. Books have always been a huge part of my life. When I was younger I
had a brief foray into writing poetry and short stories but nowadays I find I’m much
happier proofreading and copy editing.
I regularly proofread, copy edit and continuity check manuscripts to ensure they are
ready for publication. I mostly work on fiction but more recently I have been
proofreading medical assignments for university students. I do have a soft spot for
fiction though.
I’ll happily read and edit most genres but I particularly love Urban Fantasy,
Paranormal Romance, Sci-Fi and the odd Psychological Thriller.
Outside of editing, I spent almost a decade working as a press officer and journalist
in business to business trade press, before changing careers and spending another
decade working in social work in the Adult Learning Disabilities Team and then Older
People’s Services, specialising in Dementia.
Reading and writing has always been a love of mine though, so when my life
circumstances changed, that’s what I went back to. I’ve been working as a freelance
editor for the last couple of years and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to doing anything
In my free time I beta read and review for independent authors, primarily in the
romance genre. I’m passionate about mental health advocacy. I crochet and make a
lot of items for charity. I also admin a group for Type 2 Diabetes on Facebook.